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How To Rock Your Next Pitch Like A TEDx Speaker

This article is more than 7 years old.

Two-time TEDxTokyo speaker and storyteller at Bibliosexual, Dave McCaughan

(Credit: Dave McCaughan)

Your big client pitch is tomorrow. You've spent weeks conducting research to develop the perfect strategy.

Tomorrow is your big day. All eyes will be on you to close this whale of an account.

How will you ensure that you wow your audience and get them to say “yes” to what you're pitching?

Well, if you really want to create a presentation that will be edged in their minds and put you miles ahead of the competition, then keep reading as two-time TEDxTokyo speaker and storyteller at Bibliosexual, Dave McCaughan, shares how to rock your next pitch and land that big account.

Focus on that one tweet

What’s the one message you want your audience to remember? That one idea or phrase you want them talking about after you leave the room. Throughout your presentation, focus on delivering that one key message.

McCaughan explains, “You have 10 minutes. Be focused. The best tip I had was ‘what is the single line you want people to tweet?’ Don’t be greedy, just get that one memorable moment.”

Will a stunning visual or chart help you achieve that?

McCaughan says, “It has to be something you say not a chart because all eyes are on you, not the charts, not anything else. Charts should only be used as a backdrop: all pictures and at most bold headline. Do not ask your audience to read.”

What’s great about all TEDx speeches and pitches as a whole is a compelling story.

Play a role

McCaughan says, “Great storytelling is about three things. First, the audience can not take their eyes off you so make sure you have the ticks, facial and body actions you want to use down to keep them engaged. The right movement of your eyes, the right half grin, the right twist of the body makes for part of your story.

McCaughan explains, “Remember that space is important too. At TEDx events you are not allowed to roam the stage, you have a very limited small circle you can move in. This is liberating because it forces you to really think ahead about how you will use space, rhythm and movement to emphasize your tale.”

“Next, your tone of voice means knowing who you are playing. i.e. what role are you on stage: the sage, the professor, the jokester, the enlightened. Pick a role and play it,” says McCaughan.  

I love this tip so much that I'd encourage you all to try it in your next presentation. Make it interactive and ask your audience to play the role of the seller and you the role of their customer. Make it fun and you will ultimately make it memorable.

Finally, McCaughan stresses the importance of breathing: “practice how you breath, how it sounds. Keep it quiet.  It will help you not panic and not sound panicky.”

Did you find these presentation tips helpful? Is there anything you do to rock your pitches? Tell me about it in the comments section and you just could be featured in my next piece.

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